
Provisioning for the future

We are in the process of writing the Parish Profile and we are keen as a church to work together to identify what our priorities are for our church and the people God has placed us amongst. 

We want to provide an opportunity to think about our vision for the future, the job of our next leader and what sort of person we feel might be called to this role. 

To this end we are providing the opportunity to spend time listening to God, to each other, and most importantly praying, in order to help us discern our vision and what might be needed from the next vicar on Saturday 3rd August from 9.30am - 12.30pm.  There will also be a light lunch to follow.

Some questions to be thinking about before the day: 

  • What is valued about our church?
  • What is done well? 
  • What is good/of God?
  • Where have we noticed God at work in and around our church?

As we are catering for this event we do need to have an idea of numbers so please RSVP to or by Monday 29th July.

Please complete all fields

Saturday 3rd August  |  9.30am - 12.30pm

St Mary's Church Centre

Richard Eves Announcement


Having completed his curacy training in June, our curate Richard Eves, his wife Mel and their daughters, Alice and Sophie, will be leaving in late August to begin studying for a Masters in Theology from September. His last service with us will be Sunday 25th August.

Richard says "Over our our three years here, I feel like we have received vastly more than we have given. It has been a blessing from the Lord to serve and learn here, among such lovely people, and the church and village will remain in our prayers in the years ahead." 

This will obviously mean that we will be under more pressure in covering all our present services, and we will be meeting with Steve Turville to discuss how we will need to adapt. We wish Richard and family well.

Sue Witney & Mark Puddy

Interregnum Update


What is an Interregnum? 

There are currently a number of vacancies for minsters in the Oxford Diocese so the Diocese is keen that we try to fill our vacancy as soon as possible. Normally after the Vicar leaves a Parish, the Diocese will refurbish the Vicarage and let it out for at least 6 months. However, they are prepared to forgo the rental process to allow us to appoint a vicar sooner.

What is the normal process of appointing a new vicar?

  • The process normally begins after the vicar leaves but to try to get things ready within the appropriate timespan, John has kindly given us permission to start the process sooner.
  • A “Section 11 Meeting” is held by the PCC, to plan the creation of a prospectus of the parish for prospective vicars. This is called the “Parish Profile”. The two representatives of the parish on the interview panel are chosen at this meeting.
  • Work starts on preparing the Parish Profile. This includes a description of the life and mission of our Church, views on how we would like the Church to develop, and our view of what we are looking for in a new vicar. It is important that we receive the widest range of views from people throughout our Parish. We are hoping to arrange an open forum for the Parish to encourage discussion. This has not been finalised, but we are aiming for the morning of Saturday 3rd August.
  • Once the Parish Profile has been written and amended, another meeting of the PCC, a “Section 12 Meeting”, is held to adopt the Parish Profile. The Diocese is represented at this meeting.
  • The Vacancy is advertised, with prospective vicars visiting the parish. Applications are received and a shortlist is drawn up.
  • There is then a formal Interview, with the two Parish Representatives present and the Patron of the Parish (In the old days it was Lord Remnant, but the patronage is now held by the Dean of Windsor). The Diocese is also represented.
  • Once a new vicar is selected and accepts, it is usual for them to see out their notice period in their current position before they are able to take up their new role.

    How will we continue to hold services during the Interregnum?

    Steve and Richard will continue in their current roles at present.
    For a communion service, unless a special arrangement is in place, we need an ordained minister to bless the bread and wine. With our current schedule of services we have an overlap of two communion services on the second Sunday of the month, Warren Row at 9.15am and Wargrave at 9.45am. We are grateful that the congregation at Warren Row have agreed to move their communion service to 11.15am. This means that all communion services on any Sunday can be presided over by one ordained minister, allowing for times when Richard and Steve are unavailable.


    What do I need to do during the vacancy?

    Firstly, we need the prayers of everyone in our parish to support our PCC and leaders through this time.
    Secondly, we need to pray for the new vicar, who God has chosen to lead us forwards. May they feel the calling to come to our Parish.
    Thirdly, there will be openings for many of our congregation to help in a variety of ways. Do you want a greater role in our services? Do you want to help with Butterflies or in Junior Church? We are all needed to play our part, but more importantly, the Interregnum gives each of us the ideal opportunity to develop our role and commitment to the church.


    Appointing a new Vicar


    Part I - Parish Profile 

    Over the coming weeks/months you will be receiving regular updates from our Churchwardens regarding the appointment of a new vicar to Wargrave and Knowl Hill. We will do our best to always keep you in the loop, however, as much of the process is managed by the Diocese, there will always be a slight delay. Do keep your eyes out for emails.

    Last Sunday at St Mary’s, Mark Puddy gave an update on what progress we have made towards the appointment of a new Vicar for our parish. 

    Although we were able to reach an initial consensus on the way forward, including holding a survey, in the light of further conversations we have decided to pause and revisit the question of process over the coming weeks. The Archdeacon has offered to meet with the PCC to share insights from other vacancies. In the meantime, we will focus on celebrating John and Camilla’s remaining time with us.

    We do apologise to John, and to the Parish, for the uncertainty and distress that this has caused. Please continue to pray for our Parish, and all those seeking to ascertain God’s will over the process of the appointment of a new Vicar for our Parish.

    Sue Witney & Mark Puddy



    Announcement: End of an Era

    Dear Friends,

    At the Annual Parochial Church Meeting last Sunday 14th April, John Cook announced that, because of health reasons, he had decided with sadness that he should retire as Vicar of the Parish of Wargrave with Knowl Hill, at some point over the Summer. His last service is scheduled to be on Sunday 30th June at the Village Festival Songs of Praise service. 

    John’s health has been in many of our prayers for some time, and, sad though we are to think of him leaving us, we know that this is the right decision for both Camilla and John. When John Ratings was approaching his retirement after a third of a century in the Parish, it was difficult to envisage how things would be without him. We are now coming to the end of 15 years where the Word of the God has been at the heart of everything we have done in this Parish, and this forms John’s legacy, as we look to steer the times ahead without his hand on the tiller. Details of how we will mark the end of John’s ministry in the Parish will be announced in due course.

    We are in a very fortunate position that we have in the Parish, Steve and Richard as well as Andy to assist with funerals, and we are planning how to continue worship throughout the Parish. Moreover, we are fortunate to have so many servant minded members in our Church family.

    During the previous gap between vicars (interregnum), a number of the members of the congregation gave talks in services, and, if you feel called to look for an increased role, please do speak to one of the Clergy or Churchwardens. 

    The process of advertising for, and selecting, a new Vicar for our Parish, is unfortunately a very drawn-out affair in the Church of England, and so the interregnum is likely to last at least well into next year.

    Please join us in your prayers, and heartfelt thanks, for John and Camilla, and for our Parish. 

    Sue Witney & Mark Puddy Churchwardens
