The Parochial Church Council

The PCC Membership comprises the Clergy, the Churchwardens, five elected Deanery Synod Representatives, sixteen elected members representing St. Mary's, Wargrave, two elected members representing St. Peter's, Knowl Hill (including St. Paul's Warren Row). There may also be up to three co-opted members. The Officers (Hon Treasurer, Hon Secretary and Electoral Roll Officer) do not have to be members, but are usually either elected or co-opted members.

Following the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 16th April 2023, the following are the members of the Parochial Church Council for the current twelve months:

* Revd Steve Turville  

* Sue Witney
* Mark Puddy
Knowl Hill Representatives
Lesley Bell
Valda Hadden
Deanery Synod Reps
Mike Buckland
Rosemary Creedon
Karen Lloyd
Christine Walker

Elected Members:
Knowl Hill
Lesley BellValda Hadden
WargraveJubi Alves da Silva Filho
*Bob Austen
Mike Buckland
Karen Lloyd
Rosemary Creedon
Andy Ferguson
Annie Hobden da Silva
Sarah Whiteside
Christine Walker
Lesley Turville
Peter Dart
Sean Sutcliffe
* Sheila Willliams (Secretary)
* Jane Wills (Treasurer)

* Members of the Standing Committee are marked with an asterisk. There is currently no regular pattern of meetings of the members of the Standing Committee, but it may be convened when required.
